Friday, August 19, 2011

Suburban Seattleite going even more green

Two cool things I've discovered to help with our recycling goals.

Just recently, living in King County, they've made it a little easier to opt out of all the junk mail you receive (here). I'm pretty excited about this, we get an insane amount of junk mail. And college literature. Damn that smart teenager.

I'm pretty stoked about these all inclusive lunch boxes. I first came across the bento box style at Laptop Lunches
Though I totally love the idea, the price makes me shy away a bit, as well as the number of pieces (we don't ALWAYS get the containers back when the tween takes them to school). I love that they all fit nicely in the box though, and it's a great style for the older of us in the house (me, hubs, teen). They have some really fun bag styles too.

I've been thinking about biting the bullet and purchasing one, but today I saw this post with a link to Go Green Lunch Box. The prices are a pretty similar, but mostly I love that the lunch container itself is one piece (as opposed to the several pieces in the bento box). Plus there is room for the (included with purchase) water bottle. Brilliant planning GGLB folks!!

There are different bag styles as well. I love their FAQ page, and the information about how much waste per school year it is for kids who bring lunch from home using plastic/disposable bags (yikes! 67 lbs a year?!!?!).

Overall, I think I am sold on the go green style for the tween and am excited to be cutting down EVEN MORE on our carbon footprint. I think this whole suburban Seattleite thing has finally kicked in. Next thing you know, we'll be buying a Prius.

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