Monday, November 28, 2011

I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry.

I heard a noise I couldn't quite pinpoint coming from down the hall. I was trying to get some work done. The toddler was busily doing something.

Finally it started to bug me, that noise. So I got up to check it out.

"Look mommy, I'm building a mountain."

That would be the entire contents of her dresser. On her floor. The noise I heard were the drawers closing.

I let out a little noise that was not quite a laugh, but not quite a choked back sob. I just took a picture of the mess and left the room.

She is quite pleased with herself.

I, however, might need a drink.


Anonymous said...

LOL, I love reading your little parenting challenges- I don't think I'd cope nearly so gracefully (even with the help of drinks)! :-D Is this where you employ that "natural consequences" thing of letting her get dressed out of the clothing mountain until it's all processed? She does look really pleased with the result, though, I suppose who are we to judge her strategy and intentions?

Felicia Fibro said...

This is one of the stories you'll be telling her whole life!