Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"Mom, sit down ..."

The tween came home from school yesterday and said to me, in a serious voice, "Mom, sit down, we need to talk about something."

These are not comforting words to a parent. Is he moving out? Did he kill someone? Did he get expelled from 5th grade? Has he been offered an amazing football scholarship in Europe?


All is fine, fortunately. He got accepted into the safety patrol at school. Which means he has to be at school early one day a week, and stay late that same day, to work as a crossing guard.

He's growing up. I hate that.


erin i. said...

that is so cool for Aaren!! tell him Auntie was in safety patrol in 5th grade too :)

Nikki said...

I remember doing that! Why did you need to sit down for that? Serious business I suppose...