Monday, September 10, 2012

In My Mind

It's World Suicide Prevention Day (you should know, for the record, that I am NOT suicidal). It makes me sad that we have to have a day to acknowledge that this is a horrible thing we must stop. That to somebody, you are everything. It sucks that everyone can't see how important they are.

I am going through some crazy stuff right now and depression and suicidal thoughts are definitely something the doctors are watching me closely for (side effects of the medication - yeah, it's been fun). I've had to check out of my life this last week, which has been tough for all of us. But we'll survive. I am not going crazy. Depression lies. The panic attacks can be managed.

It's all worth it.

Today the bloggess posted this piece, and the picture on the right ... I can't stop looking at it. Click the link. I want to do that, is that weird?

And then the song.

"How strange to see that I don't wanna be the person that I want to be."
She speaks to me.

Also, I love her hair. I'm totally chopping mine off.

Hug someone today. Tell someone they are important. Be there, look around, notice the little things. Live in the moments, not the minutes. Because its all worth it.

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