Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Toddler Goodness

Hubs, toddler and I were curled up on the couch after nap time today. Hubs hadn't shaved in a few days (vacations are wonderful). The toddler was trying to pick at his stubble.

Toddler: "Daddy has sparkies"

Then she sighed. And under her breath, with all the right inflections, she whispered "GodDammit."

It took a good five minutes for Hubs and I to regain our composure.


Hubs was at the grocery store with the toddler this afternoon. She was in the cart, singing "I'm sexy and I know it" - just the one line, with a few of the beats thrown in. Over and over. Other people in the store were chuckling as they went by. Hubs looked at her and said, "I'm going to have to have a talk with Mommy about the music she lets you listen to."

Her response, "But daddy ... I'm sexy and I know it."

The mom nearby was amused.

Hubs was not, so much.


As I was tucking the toddler in to bed tonight, she says to me, "Mommy, when I grow up I get to have a penis."

"No, babe, only boys have a penis."

Todder: Sigh

Me: "When you grow up, you get to have breasts."

Toddler: *gasp* "Yay!!!" *clapping hands* *big hug*

It's the little things in life that make you happy

1 comment:

Kate said...

clearly I am playing catch-up this morning, but this is AMAZING