Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Fun

The plan this weekend was to spend Saturday getting work done around the house (laundry, spring cleaning, yard work … blech), with time for me to get some computer work done without the two year old distraction. Sunday was to be dedicated to various relaxing and Easter festivities.

What was supposed to be a day of spring cleaning and various other chores turned into a beautiful sunny day spent out on the front lawn in the camping chairs, watching the husband teach the ten year old to ride his (spur of the moment morning purchase) bike while the most awesome neighbor and I had an early, and lengthy, happy hour(s). Happy hour(s) turned into a barbecue at their house with a few more drinks, and a Wii fest for the younger set.

The (atheist) teenager went to church with his grandmother. We all enjoyed hearing his take on it when he returned. But good for him for giving it a go, for her sake. As a side note, it’s nice to see him be social. He came over to say hi and planned to rush back to his homework, but instead stayed and chatted and laughed with us for an hour or so. He fit in a couple hours of homework, then he and the husband stayed up until 2:00am shooting things (x-box).

Easter morning, after the baskets were opened and the kids had their Easter sugar, we headed back to the neighbors (in our jammies. Awesome.) for mimosas and cinnamon rolls. A perfect start to the Easter day.

Easter afternoon consisted of naps for the adults and toddler, homework for the teenager and a meltdown for the pre-teen because his allergies are bugging him and he hasn’t been sleeping (theres always something). Dinner with the in-laws wrapped up the weekend.

Unexpected sun and family time makes for a very good weekend. We should do that more often.

1 comment:

paw49 said...

I enjoy your blog and assume others know about it - but where are your followers? I know you have friends, I see them on Facebook. Don't they know blogging to an empty cyberspace can give a person a complex?