Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What a week!

It's been a hell of a week. Full of emotional ups and downs, tears of joy and of pain ... I'm exhausted and it's only Wednesday.

The fun started Saturday night. First there was this:

Watching, from the comfort of the upper deck, a wedding at a venue that friends of mine own. Isn't that an awesome campfire pit? Once the wedding was over, we went down and roasted marshmallows ourselves. Awesome.

Then it was time to go home. As I was walking back down the stairs, I tripped. And now, this is how I spend my days:

With a broken foot.

We spent Sunday morning in the ER (because I refused to go when I got home Saturday night). The orthopedist doesn't want to see me until next week, to let the swelling go down. That's all I know. It sucks. But the pain is lessening, so that's good.

So then Tuesday rolls around, and this happened (as you may have seen on facebook, twitteryesterdays blog post, or even the Times):

which was pretty freaking amazing. I feel I've gone on quite a lot about this in various forms of media, so you all get the drift there.

Not to be out of the spotlight for long, the tween had his own way of getting attention. After two eight hour days of intense soccer camp, he came home Tuesday afternoon not feeling well. We'd stocked him up, we thought, with Gatorade and water and the right kind of foods (this is not our first rodeo folks), but he was clearly dehydrated. We were on him the rest of the night about drinking more fluids, but at that point it was too late. About twenty minutes after he went to bed he started violently vomiting and off he and hubs went to the ER.

Which, by the way, just about killed me. Damn broken foot.

So today, recovery for him looked like this:

Follow up doctor visit. No camp. Note the messy hair, bags under his eyes, and the two ER bracelets on his wrist. Conclusion - either a stomach bug or dehydration. Presents the same. Treats the same.

Quite a week. Let's hope it settles down a bit. I'm not sure how you top watching your kid meet the President. And let's not even think about how it could be worse - we just know that it is possible and hope the good mojo stays and the bad juju goes far away.

Cheers folks. I'm ready for bed.

1 comment:

Robbie K said...

hope your week gets better. I've worn the fabulous shoe boot too...have fun with that.